What attribute must be in your writing essays for getting published in a conference or a research journal. The answer of this question is the theme of this article. In the following line a brief discussion is made and attribute are given to learn for getting published so that any new comer could understand which characters are necessary for the publishing the paper. Here are the required attribute of the article or college paper:


    The writing must be significance for the benefit of society or science because the writing achieves the attention of others if it contains the any beneficial attribute for others. For example if you have the solution of any social or scientific problem in your mind and you have imbedded it in your paper than it will certainly got the attention of other and it will considered significant to be published in any international conference or any scientific research journal.

    Novelty / Originality

    The idea you have must be novel and original so that it can attract the attention of international scientific or social community. It means you any novel idea about the solution of any problem facing by the humanity ad you can suggest the people how to solve their problem in batter way.


    Completeness in your idea is essential attribute of your work. It must cover all the aspects of the problem in better way so that people could follow that solution and get rid of their problem. In case the solution you presented doesn't cover all the aspects of problem than it will not be able to get the attention of the community and loss its significance.


    It is the very important attribute required in the work for getting published. Only perfect solution of the problem could show the fruitful results. In case your solution contain any kind of errors than it will not be able to provide the real result to the problem facing people and hence could not maintain its importance.

    Above are the major attribute which must be present in your research work so that it could be considered to be substantial and get published.